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Marketing Valedictorian says TFS ‘Taught Me More About Myself Than I ever Thought Possible’




Quinn Hall is the 2016 valedictorian for the Marketing For Fashion and Entertainment Diploma program at Toronto Film School. Quinn is originally from Kitchener, Ontario and spent most of her life living in Brampton. In this Q&A, she shares how, after a lot of searching, she found Toronto Film School, the place she was meant to be.


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TFS: What brought you to Toronto Film School?

QH: After two unsuccessful post-secondary stints, I decided to take some time off and work part time until I could determine what was the best option for me education wise. I worked and eventually managed at Calvin Klein, where I first heard about Toronto Film School. A few of my co-workers mentioned it to me and peaked my interest in it. When I left Calvin Klein for a Visual Management position at Banana Republic, my new boss also told me that she too had attended the Toronto Film School. After doing some research and attending an information session, I made the decision that the Toronto Film School was the college I was meant to attend.

TFS: Why did you choose your program?

QH: I chose the Marketing program because it appeared to encompass all of my interests (plus more) that I was having trouble finding in a normal college fashion program. It had variety, and as an individual that enjoys being on the go and challenged every day, the program sounded like it was the perfect fit for me.
TFS: Why do you think you were chosen as the Valedictorian for your program? 

QH: I believe that I was chosen as the program Valedictorian because my teachers were able to see the amount of enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Even though I was working two jobs at the time, I still managed to give 110% effort and turn in quality work. I believe the main reason, however, is that my teachers were able to see how much I was enjoying every subject and how much appreciation I had for theToronto Film School. I was finally given a postsecondary program and establishment that I was excited about attending every day and felt motivated to succeed in.

TFS: If you offered one piece of advice to an incoming student, what would that be? 

QH: The one piece of advice that I would give to an incoming student would be to remain confident in yourself and your ability to learn new things and skills at a rapid pace. The programs offered at Toronto Film School go by so fast; if a student is fearful of that and does not have confidence in their own ability to learn, then they will not be able to keep up. I would tell new students not to underestimate themselves; everyone is capable of succeeding here at the Toronto Film School, it is simply a matter of having the self-confidence to do so.

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TFS: What is one of the most important things you have learned/experienced at Toronto Film School

QH: One of the most important things I have learned at Toronto Film School has been the ability to manage many tasks and projects simultaneously without becoming too overwhelmed. There were times when I first started the program that I thought I was going to crack from the pressure of our many weekly deadlines. After taking a step back I realized that if I wanted to succeed then I simply had to plan for it. I began time managing better and scheduling for homework and projects around my already busy part-time work schedule. In doing so, I was able to see things clearer and realize that it was possible to handle a busy work life combined with a busy student life. The skill of time management is definitely one of my top skills learned from the Toronto Film School that I will take forward with my into my career.


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TFS: What kept you motivated?

QH: There were a few different factors that kept me motivated throughout the 18-month program. The first is that I am a naturally competitive person; I had an underlying desire to receive the best grades possible in comparison to my peers. The second motivation factor was my mother and father; I knew that I was a talented student, however, my past post-secondary programs were unable to hold my interest and I did not perform well in them. I knew that I would enjoy the subject matter at TFS and wanted to prove to my parents that I was still able to succeed in school and show passion towards my educational endeavours. The third motivational factor was that I did not want to let my teachers or myself down; I wanted to ensure that I was happy with the work I was producing for them and that they could see the effort being made on a daily basis.


TFS: What are your plans after graduation?

QH: After graduation, I plan to seek a job in the field of either Visual Merchandising or Magazine Editorial. My long-term goal is to work as a Creative Director for a major apparel brand or for a fashion publication.


TFS: What makes Toronto Film School and your experience here special? 

QH:  Toronto Film School has been an experience in my life that I will never forget. I have learned so much about my field of work and gained infinite knowledge and insight into every aspect of the fashion industry. I have made many great connections with faculty and peers that I will carry with me into my future. I was also lucky enough to be given two new amazing friends that I will continue to share my life and laughter with as our careers progress. Most importantly, my experience here at Toronto Film School was so special because it taught me more about myself than I ever thought possible. Toronto Film School  gave me the ability to be confident in my skills and knowledge of the industry; this is the confidence that I will take forward with me into all of future interviews and career endeavours.

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TFS: If someone asked you to describe Toronto Film School to them, what would you say?

QH: I would describe Toronto Film School as an upbeat and encouraging environment that is filled with friendly staff and students. I would also tell them that Toronto Film School is the perfect place to learn and grow as an individual as well as develop lasting friendships and connections. Most importantly, I would say that if you are ready for a challenge then TFS is the right place to be. The best part is that after completing this challenge you will feel more accomplished with yourself than you have ever felt before!



From Star Trek to Morningside | Orville Cummings Takes on Dark New Role in Ron Dias’s Latest Ensemble Drama

Toronto Film School alumnus Orville Cummings recently celebrated the world premiere of “Toronto’s next big movie”, Morningside, at the Reelworld Film Festival. The project, which reunited the Class of 2015 Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre grad with his Bite of a Mango director Ron Dias, explores the lives of seven diverse characters who …Read more