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Submission Deadline Fast Approaching for 2020 Festival of Films

The deadline for submissions to Toronto Film School’s 2020 Festival of Films is fast approaching!


Yale Massey, Director of TFS’s Film Production program, is encouraging all current students and recent graduates to submit any and all worthy short films, short documentaries, commercials, public service announcements, or music videos they made as a TFS student for consideration – and to do so before the March 31, 2020 cutoff date.



“I have been told by many students and grads that it’s the best day of the year. We screen roughly four hours of TFS films and then the mini Oscars/awards show follows,” Massey said of the annual festival, which will take place this year on Thursday, June 25 at the Yonge-Dundas Cineplex Cinema, 10 Dundas St.E.


“Awards and prizes are given out by those in the industry and there are over twenty judges involved in the selection process.”


Much like last year’s event, the 2020 Festival of Films will see awards given out in the following 15 categories: Best Picture; Best Documentary; Best Director; Best Producer; Best Screenplay; Best Film Editing; Best Male Performance; Best Female Performance; Best Sound; Best Cinematography; Best Production Design; Best Music Video; Best Commercial; Best Graduating Video Game 2019; and Motion Design Award.



To be eligible to submit, you must be either a Toronto Film School student or alumni, and the project you’re submitting must have been produced while still enrolled at TFS.


All submissions must be entered online here by March 31. Every submission should also be accompanied by a two-to-three sentence synopsis, a credit sheet, and the running time and format. An 8 x 11 poster is also suggested.


“Short Films, silent films, music videos, commercials, meaningful things, PSAs, testimonials, documentaries…anything can be submitted,” Massey urged, noting that March 31 submissions can include rough cuts if the final project is not yet ready.


Massey also assures students that the Toronto Film School Festival of Films is not considered a ‘premiere’ event, and so will not interfere with students wishing to submit their projects to other film festivals.


For more information about submission rules and terms, or to submit your project, go to https://filmfreeway.com/torontofilmschool




From Star Trek to Morningside | Orville Cummings Takes on Dark New Role in Ron Dias’s Latest Ensemble Drama

Toronto Film School alumnus Orville Cummings recently celebrated the world premiere of “Toronto’s next big movie”, Morningside, at the Reelworld Film Festival. The project, which reunited the Class of 2015 Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre grad with his Bite of a Mango director Ron Dias, explores the lives of seven diverse characters who …Read more