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TFS Instructors interviewed by the press for The Film Student TV Series

Hart and Yale Massey of Massey Bros. Films, who are both instructors at TFS, were recently interviewed by Toronto’s Town Crier regarding The Film Student TV show, and how they got into the film industry. They talk openly about the realities of the Canadian film industry, and provide tips for aspiring actors/filmmakers on how to get noticed amongst all the competition. Click here to read the full interview.

The Film Student featuring Toronto Film School is scheduled to premiere on Rogers TV in April 2012. You can watch all the preceding webisodes on the Toronto Film School Youtube channel: LINK

For more information about the Film Production program, click here.


TFS Names Carolina Cortez Paz as Latest Recipient of BIPOC Creative Achievement Award

Toronto Film School has named Carolina Cortez Paz the latest recipient of the BIPOC Creative Achievement Award – a platform the Latina artist plans to use to elevate and inspire her fellow creatives from marginalized communities. Presented in partnership with BMO, the quarterly bursary – which recognizes full-time BIPOC students with $1,250 awards towards their tuition …Read more