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Student developed, TViD to become Channel 101 for Canada

Brad Vermunt and Malek Pacha are hoping to bring Channel 101 to Canada! Channel 101 is a project out of the States that calls for 5-minute series pilots each month. Each pilot is screened and the audience votes on which should get ‘picked up’. The top few audience selections are then asked to make episode #2. Everyone else is welcome to submit a new pilot. The Canadian version that Brad and Malek hope to launch will be called TViD (Television in Development).

This open call format allows aspiring writers and producers to gain exposure for their work, and benefit from direct feedback from audiences. The audience engagement factor puts the viewer in the seat of a network executive and gives them the power to decide what content gets to be renewed for the next week. The direct connection between audience and writer/producer is certainly unique. The need to please the audience in order to be picked up, forces writers to think creatively and strategically. Will it ultimately make for good programming?

“Every time you get renewed is a chance to show you can consistently make something people like, and every time you get cancelled is a chance to start something great the next month.” – Brad Vermunt & Malek Pacha

Brad and Malek are still in the organizational stage of this project, but we look forward to seeing any future developments for TViD! Both students are currently studying in the Writing for Film & TV program at Toronto Film School.

For more information about the Writing for Film & TV program, click here.



TFS Names Carolina Cortez Paz as Latest Recipient of BIPOC Creative Achievement Award

Toronto Film School has named Carolina Cortez Paz the latest recipient of the BIPOC Creative Achievement Award – a platform the Latina artist plans to use to elevate and inspire her fellow creatives from marginalized communities. Presented in partnership with BMO, the quarterly bursary – which recognizes full-time BIPOC students with $1,250 awards towards their tuition …Read more