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VIDEOS: Toronto Film School Takes Creativ Festival Involvement to New Heights

Once again, the Toronto Film School, was delighted to participate in the Creativ Festival in October 2015, but this year, Team TFS took its involvement to a whole new level.

In what has become an annual tradition for Toronto Film School Fashion Design students, a team of designers again participated in the Project Creativ Catwalk competition. The contest pits Fashion Design students from fashion design programs across the city against one another and TFS has won the competition six of the past eight years.


The team designed a beautiful iceberg inspired garment to fit with the Winter Wonderland theme.


Team TFS was comprised of three students, Lama El Hajj, Lana Kuidir and Diseiye Thompson, and was supervised by Fashion Design Instructor Keith Richardson.


Over the course of three days they constructed the garment using only materials they bought on site at the Creativ Festival. Team TFS made an excellent showing and congratulations go out to the winning team from George Brown.


New for TFS this year was a series of workshops lead by Toronto Film School Fashion Instructors. Robert Kennedy lead a group draping. Robert has dedicated his 25-year career in Fashion to custom tailoring, pattern drafting and draping. Robert instructs technical classes in the Toronto Film School Fashion Design Diploma.


In his draping workshop Robert introduced students to the bustier as a first level draping project.


Keith Richardson also drew a sold out crowd to his workshop on Drafting a Person T-Shirt Block and Pattern. Keith is an expert in stretch fabrics and has been an instructor at the Toronto Film School (formerly the Academy of Design) for the past 20 years.


Keith gave a step by step instruction for drafting the knit top or t-shirt block and notes on styling and designing knit tops and t-shirts.



Toronto Film School also was proud to have a new booth at Creativ Festival this year.


Styled by Toronto Film School Visual Merchandizing instructor and Visual Presentation Specialist, Martyn Lee. The booth displayed the collection of Fashion Design graduate Ricardo Welch and was a wonderful representation of the school.


Finally, the pièce de résistance, was Stylitude! a stunning fashion show that delighted a packed crowd of fashion lovers.

This professional runway show was a celebration of fashion as current students and alumni of the Toronto Film School’s Fashion Design Diploma program.


To find out more about the Creativ Festival click here. Or to learn more about the Toronto Film School and its creative programs for creative people visit here.


From Star Trek to Morningside | Orville Cummings Takes on Dark New Role in Ron Dias’s Latest Ensemble Drama

Toronto Film School alumnus Orville Cummings recently celebrated the world premiere of “Toronto’s next big movie”, Morningside, at the Reelworld Film Festival. The project, which reunited the Class of 2015 Acting for Film, TV & the Theatre grad with his Bite of a Mango director Ron Dias, explores the lives of seven diverse characters who …Read more