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Guest Blog: Whirlwind Trip For Film Production Instructor Christopher Lane

Recently, as part of my duties as one of the judges with the Golden Panda North America International Short Film Festival , I was asked to join a cultural excursion to China which proved to be a whirlwind trip that built relationships, reaffirmed the universality of film and even spawned a reality television show.


The trip took place in early April and my travelling companions included the Golden Panda International Short Film Festival committee, the fantastic team at Orient Star Media, which runs the festival, and the winning filmmakers from the 2015 festival.

(Read more about the trip here)


This trip was an opportunity to not only engage with these award-winning filmmakers—who varied in professional backgrounds including the Director of Photography on “The Bachelor” and “American Idol”, to a member of the famed New York City Actor’s Studio, to a Special FX and Pre-Visualization artist for Lucas Films and Pixar— but also to mentor and share experiences with these individuals as we all travelled the unique sights that Beijing has to offer.


This eclectic list of winners hailed from all over the world, including Canada, the United States, France, South Africa, the Philippines, Great Britain and China.


One of my main purposes for being asked to join on this trip to China was to act as the Canadian Film Ambassador and meet with the renowned Beijing Film Academy whose illustrious past has had the school see their students win Oscars, Palm D’Or’s and many other impressive film awards.


My presence on campus proved to be a big deal to the gracious Academy, and I was treated like royalty as I was shown around their massive high-tech campus. During the visit, I had several productive meetings with various officials and academics and during these productive discussions was able to facilitate possible cultural exchanges between the Beijing Film Academy and the Toronto Film School, which could include both Professors and Students alike. As well meeting with several established Chinese filmmakers the possibility of film projects were discussed between Canada and China aimed for the Global market.


The entire trip was a whirlwind experience that involved first class treatment, cuisine and accommodations. The daily trips were mind-blowing as we explored the site including the Great Wall of China, The Summer Palace, The Forbidden City and travelled on the high-speed trains that travelled at speeds of over 250km/hr.


During the entire trip, there were film crews following our every move and I was interviewed dozens and dozens of times for National and International television, as well as print from around the world. There was also a constant film crew there to film a reality TV series that followed mine and my fellow traveller’s experiences in China. The series can now be found on YouTube after having aired nation-wide in China.


I made so many amazing contacts both personally and professionally, and still continue to draw from them daily.


Having the opportunity to connect with people of a different culture, with language barriers, opens your eyes to the world. In fact, in one instance I made a friend with a Chinese filmmaker named Wang, who took me under his wing and helped me in situations where I was clearly out of my element including how to order food. We especially became overjoyed when we discovered we could directly communicate via a wonderful Chinese App called WE CHAT allowing us to communicate using the translate function directly through our mobile phones.


This amazing experience has reaffirmed and perfectly illustrated the power of film in that it is truly universal and transcends language.


I look forward to continuing in my role as an honoured judge with the Golden Panda International Short Film Festival and to continue to develop as an Ambassador. I personally am excited to be able to bring all this rich cultural heritage and insightful Eastern storytelling philosophies to the students at the Toronto Film School, and will continue to share my experiences with them every day.


Christopher Lane is an Instructor in the Film Production Diploma Program at Toronto Film School. He is a writer, producer and director who has been working in the film industry for more than 20 years.


Toronto Film School

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