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Get In The Picture: Deadline to Apply to the Festival of Films Approaches

In the classroom, in the studio, on set and in the editing suite — you have worked hard to bring your ideas to life, now is the time to see them on the big screen at the Toronto Film School Festival of Films.


The 3rd Annual Toronto Film School Festival of Films takes place on Sept. 24 at the Cineplex Odeon at 10 Dundas Square.


Toronto Film School Festival of Films


The Festival of Films is a celebration of the hard work, determination, and dedication of our elite Toronto Film School students and all of you are welcome to submit your short films, documentaries, public service announcements, commercials and music videos to be considered for the festival.


In years past, films selected for the Toronto Film School Festival of Films have gone on to major success on the film festival circuit.


Following the festival screenings on Sept 24, there will be an awards ceremony in the VIP Theatre at the Cineplex Odeon. A panel of judges made up of members from the selection committee and industry professionals will adjudicate the final award selection.


Awards and prizes include:

Best Film
Best Director
Best Producer
Best Screenwriter
Best Editing
Best Male Performance
Best Female Performance
Best Sound Design
Best Cinematographer
Best Art Director
Best Commercial
Best P.S.A.
Best Music Video
Best Documentary



TFS Names Carolina Cortez Paz as Latest Recipient of BIPOC Creative Achievement Award

Toronto Film School has named Carolina Cortez Paz the latest recipient of the BIPOC Creative Achievement Award – a platform the Latina artist plans to use to elevate and inspire her fellow creatives from marginalized communities. Presented in partnership with BMO, the quarterly bursary – which recognizes full-time BIPOC students with $1,250 awards towards their tuition …Read more