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Toronto Film School to Run a Trial of Lynda.com Video Tutorials

The trial of Lynda.com at the Steeles Campus Library has been extended by one week. Students and Faculty now have until May 8 to try the video tutorials. 


The Toronto Film School is set to run a trial of the video tutorial website Lynda.com to find out what students and faculty think of this enhanced learning opportunity.

Judy Theoret, the librarian at the Steeles Campus of the Toronto Film School, explained Lynda.com is a subscription based online learning company that offers video tutorials. Toronto Film School has arranged to run a trial of Lynda.com from April 20 through May 1 in the library at the Steeles Campus.

The Lynda.com’s video library offers thousands of courses on business, software, technology and creative topics that are taught by recognized industry experts.

“It is a great resource,” Theoret said. “It complements what students do in class and can help them get some additional knowledge they need to get through their program.”

Topics touch on everything from the basics of photography to marketing, web development and much more. The video tutorials range in length for 30 minutes to more than 13 hours.

“What we are going to be doing for those two weeks is we will run a Kiosk in the library (at the Steeles Campus),” Theoret explained. “It is a trial to see if students will use a kiosk here.”

The school will obtain a subscription and one computer in the library will be dedicated for using Lynda.com. Students, faculty and staff can sign up for a time slot and access any of the tutorials on the site.

“If we find it works and students are using it we could set a permanent kiosk up,” Theoret explained.

For example, Theoret said she had a new student come to her recently who had returned to school after being out for some time and she was concerned she would struggle with using computers. In that kind of case, Theoret said there are a number of courses the student could take on software like Revit Architechture or Google SketchUp.

Theoret encourages students to come to the library at the Steeles Campus to try Lynda.com and give their feedback on the experience. The Steeles library is open from Monday to Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from noon to 5:30 p.m.

After the trial Theoret and librarian Paul Graham, will assess the trial to determine if students at Toronto Film School could benefit from a long term Lynda.com Kiosk in the library.


TFS Names Carolina Cortez Paz as Latest Recipient of BIPOC Creative Achievement Award

Toronto Film School has named Carolina Cortez Paz the latest recipient of the BIPOC Creative Achievement Award – a platform the Latina artist plans to use to elevate and inspire her fellow creatives from marginalized communities. Presented in partnership with BMO, the quarterly bursary – which recognizes full-time BIPOC students with $1,250 awards towards their tuition …Read more